The Latest
September 2006

9/7 - exactly one year after the last update, I resume updating... oy vey

September 2005

9/7 - Welcome to our new webspace! Infinite kudos to the webmistress/tech goddess Cirne, who helped us go from frazzled to fabulous in... well, several hours, but such is the price of progress. Editing will continue at the usual pace (incremental and arbitrary), unless Tenne's new college schedule allows her the necessary time (bloody unlikely).

June 2005

6/7 - working on the Library, still in progress

6/3 - new homepage!!! also a character page accessible from the homepage, and some minor editorial tweaks

May 2005

5/9-10 - updated Anna's page, Halfwest's page, and my own pathetic profile

5/2 - remembered that I run a website... oops... working on updates now

March 2005

fixed a bunch of Library links

added a link to the LJ community to the homepage

we may be having the homepage redesigned—stay tuned

revised Angelo's and Box's pages... the others are gonna be done that way soon

added pics for Cody and Michael, and replaced the horrible one of Anna

whole bunch of new pictures in the Gallery

rearranged the Library from newest to oldest so you needn't hunt for new stories lurking at the bottom

February 2005

not one, but two new stories! (maybe I should organize the Library so that the newest come first or something)

every character page has a template up, and all but Cody and Michael have pictures (we're working on both)

stay tuned for a bunch of new pictures, and possibly an exciting new story, later this month!

January 2005

new LiveJournal community—and a spinoff (I didn't do the layouts, don't ask how)

new story: Fietka (Rafe!angst, mmmmmm)

All the changes that I made in December are now in effect. I haven't had access to my files since December for reasons of... um... well, there are several. Not like anyone but Rue is reading this, anyway. :-P

Links to our gracious provider of backgrounds put up, rather belatedly (it's been up on the Legal Page, but still). Check it out at the bottom of this page! T3h spiff. Done being a poser now.

December 2004

a nice contact page so your email client (or lack thereof) won't go berserk every time you click a contact link

a bunch of old Angelfire templates replaced with our own shoddy version: Ernest, Jody, Lily, Louie, Mike (not Michael), Rags, Ruby, and Star

November 2004

author pages!!!

FAQ-ish (not a real FAQ, but it'll work until we get real traffic)

Legal Page (so don't steal our stuff, yo)

renovations on lots of pages, including those for: Angelo, Anna, Bobby, Bosco, Box, Cody, Danny, Dolly, Eric, the badgers, Francie, Jasper, Joe, Michael (not Mike), Rafe, Tony, and the gallery (of course, any change to Angelo means a new way of getting to Ulalumé, but you'll have to find that on your own)

October 2004

Heaven's Mafia character quiz — it'll never be as popular as the Anime Boobs quiz, but you can't have everything

pages up for all the relative-newbies (text only for now), which means Anna, Bobby, Bosco ugh, Cody, the badger twins, Jasper, and Rafe

oh, right... and the change to our new server, which means our new email as well

undated old stuff

composite comic

literary sketches (now being edited)

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