
Falling (PG)
(censored version) (PG)

Is it a joke? (PG)
(censored version) (PG)

Fietka (PG-13)

A Good Night's Work (PG-13)
(censored version) (PG-13)

Eric (PG-13)
(censored version) (PG-13)

Angelo's Death (PG-13)

The Finite Story (PG)
(censored version) (PG)

Angel Eyes (PG)
(censored version) (PG)

Morning with HM (PG)
(censored version) (PG)

Heaven's Mafia (not rated)

Why the censoring?


So why are there censored versions for most of the stories? And why don't the ratings change in the censored versions?

It's all H's fault.

Well, actually, that's... wait... no, it actually is true. When my young friend H read the site, and she and her brother spent most of their free time emailing us about it, they asked me to edit the cuss words out of the stories so as not to offend their delicate sensibilities.

My response was something along the lines of "Are you mad?" but they were naggingly persistant, therefore the token censored versions. The rating rarely changes because—face it: most of these are extrememly violent stories. Taking out the cursing merely makes them slightly less authentic, but anything for our two only most loyal readers.

Remind me to replace this page with an <a>-tagged spot in the FAQ when I make a real one...